ah. & im quiting my job at rush.
im getting sick & tired of the train trip to & fro
so im going back to bubble tea which my daddy would began nodding his head.
-nods nods-
& i counted my mosquito bites.
there's 14 of them ahhhh -.-"
& i wonder has my hair been ruined alrdy. hahaha.
i dyed lik donkey times alright.
my first was mandarin copper. some shades of orange brown la.
but i dont know why only my top portion has the colour.
so mum got another copper red some sorta colour
& so i redyed. & crap. it didnt catch colour either.
hahaha. & so on an impulse just a day before chinese eve i went for highlight.
& tatas. my hair has got many shades of colour -.-"
byebye im off to my drama series.
& ah long pte ltd is so damn nice.