doing Asia Pacific Economy Cooperation! (APEC 2009) you can GOOGLE it. tsktsk
there's OBAMA involvedd leh! haha and many other delegates & presidents from the 21participating countries.
so cool & so big event! HAHA! that's like provided there won't be any shift of manpower in my team. else i'd be doing Wine for Asia. & for that i'll be given LOA for first week of school & continue to work for the event. LOL!
tired tired. i needa sleep alrdy. can't wait for my online loots to arrive :D
anw, army openhse damn fun :D :D :D
& crabby session after army openhse
now i can't wait for tml morning & wednesday evening ^.^
& i have no complains about ITP for nowwwwwww. the only mumble grumble i'd probably have is.. IF ONLY.. IF ONLY.. i've gt my driving license alrdy. LOL!
Monday, September 7, 2009
lalabeeeeee famfamtimyyy