yeahyeah! shabby shabby happy happy! papers finally ended! feels damn great, no AWESOMEEEEE! AWESOMEEEEEEEE! teeheee!
so after papers, mamamia date, LO date, met the long lost very missed jessica sweetard! woooo! didn't went anywhere far, head to IMM. bought donuts to sky balcony (iforgot what isit called) caught up while enjoying those yummy treats. then we kinda rushed down to swensens for the icecream sundae deal cus ME read the time off wrongly, i thought the deal was ending soon. tsktsk :D & yeeep happy ice cream treats! followed by yummy yamricey! awesome awesome!!!
then an impromptu meet up with eunice & followed by an impromptu drinking deal with her canoe mates. i know its damnnnnnnnn random ttm. NP sprinters and me the only SP one. haha, i thought so too initally but as those familiar names surfaced, nope, it no longer felt wierd :D so all met and thy dined at subway followed by a lil roaming at clarkeQ waterside then hop from eskibar & beerbelly. i wanna go shebangs then cus its damn near! & see if i'd bump into sisy thr, maybe someday. LOL! then head over one of the person's place (i forgot the name) at avenue2! DAMNNNN RICH LAH! my ENTIRE house to him is probably his living room ONLY!! wtshitt..damn rich, totally totally! and for once a majiong table look damn small in a room! OMGGGGG LAHHHH! once in a lifetime experience leh! :D
cabbed home in the morning. & ate maggieemee at freaking 0730 before i slept my way thru, not exactly lah. asked mamamia to go army open house, she don't want! >:( sian. anyone wanna go?! HAHAH! went to collect stuffs with mamamia & dadadia with some aunties. then a sudden decision to watch getai! WEEE u WEEE! my first getai! but sadly.. FAILED! cus of the accident along bukittimah that caused superrrrrrrr duperrrrr jam so u-turned homey. then went 907 to meet k a lil while & now im homeyy!