morning's rain was a total turn off! and my lilsis took my umbrella to school leaving me no choice but to bring those cannot-be-kept-in bag stick umbrella. so.. im on full gear auntie suit tday! hahah! class is forever so interesting! with the 6-aunties clan. haha!
ya, gflala & i had steamboat ystd and at some freaking good deal- 12bucks/person. damn cheap ttm! so we started talking abt it today. and msauntiewendychewwenyi says she bring the steamboat pot to class, then angela add on that, we dont nd to bring soup, we can get them from chicken rice stall. then the ingredients we can find them from the yong tao fu stall. freaking funny ttm! we talk non stop during class and we even stood outside toliet for 45mins talking -.-! hahah!
thn to JP for lunchy! ate ding-tai-feng with 11 others! yumyum! im thinking of xlbs again. neh-mind. i'll have them nx fri. lol! (((:
YOG briefing tml. followed by short work -.-! followed by mamamia dating! weeeeeee!
and im going to sleep now! cus i think i'm waking up at 0730 and breakfast with dadadia! :D
Saturday, January 23, 2010
awesome friday :D