HAPPY 2010! hmm,i know its a lil too late now. haha! im waiting for mamamia to finish showering then we'll go for dinner then i'll go out to complete my LAW assignment.
(OH! she's out! but aye, cfm drag time one)
did the usual legend countdown with GLAMS-2+1 (anson MIA-ed, gary with gf) so, bought marinabay's tixs which i dont find it worth it at all but well, since its once a year, i think i'll still go again next year. cus i dont hav to SQUEEEEEZE with the crowd and get to enjoy some fireworks too & most impt, the company im with :D
had thai express (i had that for 2straight days) with some empty stomach. and by 1am, im starving like shit! cus thai food=good for digestion. then caught S.holmes after countdwn and called my best taxidriver who drives a 7seater cab (i got his namecard-so if ya'all need 7seater cab can ask from me) 2hours of sleep then off to work. and after work, 30mins of sleep and off to a yummmmy yummy x1m steamboat with my family! heeehaaa! my parents' and lilsis's first time! :D very happy family time spent! xoxo
then work again on 3rd and today and tml. and i dont feel like working already. now i so so so love my bbt shop- cus there's chair. hahah! ok! mum's out! and im going off now! saiyonara!
2010 started off pretty gooood! esp the first day! its cus of those well wishes sms that sparks many many catch up sessions everywhere! and i made a SUPERRRRRRRR GAY bff. HAHAH! ok! i cant wait for all the catch up sessions ppl!
Sunday, January 3, 2010