HAHA! weight of my EMPTY luggage. rofl. the weather is killing me! gotta start studying soon! since my weekends are packed alrdy. im waiting for mum to come home & lend me her mastercard so i can pre-order books online! haha! then 'ang-kak-bo-la' her see if she wanna sponsor! wooo! yayyyy!
& the macdonald's new commercial seriously make me laugh everytime i sees it. LOL! not i tihnk too much ok.. its something like this..
daughter ' i like to come mac to eat breakfast with papa'
papa' why?'
daughter 'bcus come mac eat breakfast, afterthat papa dont need to go work'
HAAH! so isnt it like saying go mac eat breakfast w daughter = dont need to work, simply means go mac eat w daughter = losing your job. LOL!
not i thinking too much.. but.. WHAHAH! ok fine.. im going back to my conversations. LOL!