Sry Netherland but my heart really cant skip a beat for you. I know you know im not ready. But I need you to stop putting in effort too. Cuz it puts me in an awkward position that I no longer wish to share new stuffs with you cuz I feel obligated to go with you or accompany you to explore.
Thank you for the little details you paid attention to like What I enjoy doing and eating and all. What really touches me is the amount of effort you put in for a simplest meal. You're jus that replica of me in a male version. HHAAHAH! Everything i wish argentina could do was all in netherland. Im grateful that you appeared or I should say super duper grateful to have you these years! amazing how you were always kinda there. Just more than words!
Thankful for making me realized that when love is gone. Its gone. or when there's no love. There's just no love.
So glad cuz if not for you.. I would never learn and realise this cuz now I can really move on and venture away frm argentina. (Finally!) Shall wander away for a year or 2 in my own bubbles and whoever come along lets ride along. Germany probably?